Cité Application Support Material

Support material – 10 images/videos documenting past projects.

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List of work in the order that they appear:
1) Ribbon Pavillion (glass and brackets 45cm x 30cm x 8cm) exhibited at Petty Cash, New York, USA, 2022 More Information
2) A flyer for a day of artist lead radio broadcasts with Montez Press Radio which I curated and programmed at Chisenhale Gallery, London, UK 2022 More Information
3) Untiled [microscopic extraction], (fuss glass 20cm x 25cm) exhibited at Korai Project Space in Cyprus 2021 – 2022 More Information
4) Heuristics along a path towards its own form (burnt wood and cork, wall piece 170cm x 140cm x 30cm, floor piece 100cm x 70cm x 40cm) exhibited at Goldsmith University, London, UK 2020 More Information
5) Boundaries (brick and mortar 150cm x 150cm x 130cm, wallpaper and graphite 150cm x 300cm) exhibited at Goldsmiths University, London, UK 2019 More Information
6) Julio Claudia Richard (video documentation of a talk 7mins. Wood, marble dust, builders chalk, and various rock types. 150cm x 300cm x 120cm) exhibited at SOMA, Mexico City, Mexico 2016 More Information
7) An ode diligently unfinished (nylon, wool, elastic, viscose rayon, concrete, cotton. 600cm x 60cmm x 1cm) exhibited in Goldsmiths Interim Exhibition, London, UK 2019 More Information
8) London Extracts (various rock types, concrete, wood, soil, clay, perspex. 4 columns 10cm diameter x 2.5cm height) Sanderson Hotel, London, UK 2019 More Information
9) Flue (video documentation 2mins. water, plastic, concrete, metal, wood, drywall. varying dimensions) Presented by 4A Gallery as a part of the 9th Shanghai Biennale, China 2012 More Information
10) Lovic (various materials donated by the public for repair. varying dimensions) Exhibited as a part of the 29th Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts, Slovenia 2011 More Information
